When to Rule Out Transthyretin Cardiac Amyloidosis**Also known as transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM).Learn how to screen your patients and when diagnostic testing is warrantedPatients meeting the below criteria warrant diagnostic testingHFpEF1Echocardiography2-5- LV wall thickness ≥12 mm on an echocardiogram2-5†‡
Additional echocardiogram images-
Reduction in longitudinal strain with apical sparing4-6§
- Apical sparing on a bullseye strain map—the lack of amyloid deposition in the apex may result in a “cherry on top” pattern, in which a red circle at the apex (preserved strain) is surrounded by lighter shades of red or blue (reduced strain)
Changes to the interatrial septum and valves4,6§
- Thickening of interatrial septum (yellow arrow) and valves (white arrow) >0.5 cm4,6
Additional cardiac features to consider are4:
- Increased echogenicity of the myocardium (sparkling, hyper-refractile “texture” of the myocardium)
- Atrial enlargement and dysfunction
- Grade 2 or worse diastolic dysfunction with high E/A ratio (>1.5) and reduced E deceleration time (<150 ms)
- Increased pressures (>35 mmHg for PA, ≥10 mmHg for RA)
Reproduced with permission from ASNC. 2021 American Society of Nuclear Cardiology.PA=pulmonary artery; RA=right atrium.Electrocardiography4-
Discordance between LV wall thickness and QRS voltage on ECG4,5,7‡
- Low QRS voltage not present in all cases
- Prevalence varies between ATTR cardiac amyloidosis (20%) and AL amyloidosis (60%)
While these patient characteristics may be suggestive of ATTR cardiac amyloidosis, they are not exhaustive.4,8 ATTR cardiac amyloidosis is also prevalent in patients with severe aortic stenosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, lumbar spinal stenosis, and autonomic or sensory polyneuropathy9
Additional cardiac symptoms
- Refractory to standard HF therapies (eg, ACEi, ARB, and BB)9
- Cardiac arrythmias (eg, atrial fibrillation)10
- Aortic stenosis11
- Atrioventricular block, in the presence of increased wall thickness6
- Mild increase in troponin levels on repeated occasions1
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging5,12Certain cardiac magnetic resonance imaging features are suggestive of ATTR cardiac amyloidosis. The presence of at least 1 of these features warrants further evaluation:
- Increased LV wall thickness or mass
- Biatrial enlargement
- Small pericardial and/or pleural effusions
- Abnormal LGE patterns (diffuse, subendocardial, patchy)
- Difficulty in achieving myocardial nulling
- Significantly increased ECV (>0.40) on T1 map
ACEi=angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB=angiotensin receptor blocker; BB=beta blocker; ECV=extracellular volume; LGE=late gadolinium enhancement; LV=left ventricular.Additional noncardiac symptomsCertain noncardiac symptoms should also raise suspicion of ATTR cardiac amyloidosis
Carpal tunnel syndrome14,15
- In 2 studies of patients with wtATTR cardiac amyloidosis, ~50% had carpal tunnel syndrome
- Lumbar spinal stenosis16
- One study of 47 patients identified the presence of TTR amyloid on surgical spine specimens in 21% of patients (n=10/47) undergoing LSS surgery17
- Biceps tendon rupture1,14,18
- Hip/knee arthroplasty15
Nervous system
- GI complaints19
- In an observational registry, 63% of patients with hATTR-CM reported experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms
- Autonomic neuropathy18
- Unexplained weight loss20
- Orthostatic hypotension18
- Sexual impotence18
- Peripheral sensory motor dysfunction18
- Peripheral neuropathy18
- Renal impairment
- Cardiorenal syndrome
- Vitreous opacity
- Glaucoma
GI=gastrointestinal; LSS=lumbar spinal stenosis; TTR=transthyretin.Next: Suspect ATTR cardiac amyloidosis? See how diagnosis is confirmed Continue LoadingACEi=angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB=angiotensin receptor blocker; BB=beta blocker; CMR=cardiac magnetic resonance; ECV=extracellular volume.Per the 2022 ACC/AHA/HFSA Guideline for the Management of Heart Failure, a left ventricular wall thickness of ≥14 mm, along with other clinical parameters, should heighten suspicion of ATTR cardiac amyloidosis.9Illustrative representation.ACC=American College of Cardiology; AHA=American Heart Association; AL=amyloid light-chain; ATTR=transthyretin amyloidosis; ECG=electrocardiogram; HFpEF=heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; HFSA=Heart Failure Society of America; LV=left ventricular.
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